- Health & Wellness at health@gener8co.com
- Living Well Services at health.education@gener8co.com
- (603) 862-WELL (9355)
Medical Care & Education/Counseling Services
- Medical Care (603) 862-2856
- After-Hours Call Line (603) 862-9355
- Living Well Education/Counseling (603) 862-3823
- Employee Services (603) 862-2856
- Health Resource Nurse (603) 862-2856
- Biofeedback, and Light Therapy (603) 862-3823
- Radiology (603) 862-2852
- 24/7 Cancellation Line (603) 862-1216
- TTY Users: 7-1-1 or 1-800-735-2964 (Relay N.H.)
Administrative Departments
- Executive Director (603) 862-2173
- Business Office (Billing/Payments) (603) 862-5140
- Health Records & Registration (603) 862-4557
- Student Health Benefits Coordinator (603) 862-0066
- Quality Improvement/Patient Representative (603) 862-2173
- (603) 862-4259
- Medical Care
- Billing & Payments
- Health Records & Registration
- Health Resource Nurse
- Student Health Benefits Plan Coordinator
- Laboratory
- Executive Director
- (603) 862-2947
- Living Well Services
- Quality Improvement/Patient Representative
- Radiology (603) 862-2184
*If you are unsure what fax number to use, please send your document to (603) 862-4259 and it will be distributed to the appropriate department.
Secure Messaging
If you are a current patient/client, you may communicate with your provider(s) conveniently and confidentially using secure messaging through MyHealth&Wellness. Secure messaging can only be used by current students.